Queen of Sand and Stone
For centuries, the weather witches have ruled Nizam, protecting the oasis city from the devastating sandstorms that threaten its existence.
But the aging queen is dying, and Yolara, the heir to the throne, does not possess the gift of weather magic found only in her family line. Hers is the power over stone, the ability to command the shifting sands – but not the winds that drive them across the desert.
Will those who question Yolara’s right to rule be proven right? Or can Yolara find a way to defend the city that does not rely on weather magic? Time is short, for the storm season is upon them, and the next storm could reach the city any day…
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Daughters of the Wind
Janek, Grand Vizir of Kushar, has done the unthinkable, kidnapping the last known weather witches – the twin daughters of the Gerlachi king – in an effort to claim the gift of their bloodline magic for the Kushari people.
But rumors of weather witches in Kushar are spreading, sending Zoya, spymaster of Tzigane, on a quest to learn if they are, in fact, her queen’s missing sisters.
At the same time, the twins, chafing at the gilded cage of their long confinement, have demands of their own – demands which may disrupt Janek’s carefully orchestrated plans, thwart Zoya’s rescue efforts, and shatter centuries of fragile peace between their three countries.
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Kings of Field and Forest
The bastard son of the Gerlachi king, Usef chose a quiet life as a woodworker in the small Tzigani trading city of Hatu over courtly politics – until war broke out between the powerful kingdoms of Gerlach and Kushar, catching Hatu in the crossfire.
As the battle threatens, Usef uses the magic of his cultivator’s gift to grow weapons for the city, and raises his own ax in its defense.
But bigger forces are at play, and the Tzigani queen calls upon Usef to lead the people to safety while there is still time.
Can Usef claim his birthright and establish a new kingdom in the mountains, far from the attention of the warring kings? Or will former allies become deadly enemies, destroying all hope of peace?
Coming, 2025