How I Got Published and What I Learned Along the Way

How I Got Published and What I Learned Along the Way cover

In How I Got Published and What I Learned Along the Way, twenty authors, all coming to publishing from different avenues and life experiences, share tips, tricks, advice, and encouragement. They talk about working through the rough times, making their first sales, and finding success in the publishing industry.

Whether you’re traditional, indie, or hybrid; a journalist, novelist, or blogger, we hope their stories provide encouragement for you – wherever you are in your journey toward publication.

Available in print and ebook from your favorite online retailers.


Wings of Change

Wings of Change full-wrap cover

Tales of wise, ancient dragons hoarding treasure, terrorizing villages, and doing battle with noble heroes have long fascinated us. But dragons were not born old and wise, nor were heroes born brave and noble.

Wings of Change gathers tales of young dragons growing into their scales and claws, and human youths making choices that shape their destinies – destinies that will be forever changed by their interaction with the dragons that share their world.

Available in print and ebook from your favorite online retailers.


Quoth the Raven

Quoth the Raven

In Quoth the Raven, we invite you to answer the call of the raven and revisit Poe’s work, re-imagined for the twenty-first century. In these stories, the lover of mystery and Gothic horror will find familiar themes in contemporary settings, variations on Poe’s tales, and faithful recreations of the author’s signature style.

Quoth the Raven is available in both print and ebook through your favorite online retailers. Visit

Quoth the Raven - voted 2018 Best Anthology

We are proud to announce that Quoth the Raven, which was named the Best Anthology of 2018 by the Critters Workshop Annual Reader’s Poll, was also named to the 2018 Bram Stoker Awards Preliminary Ballot.
Congratulations to all our authors and the production team – you well deserve these incredible honors!


A Year of the Monkeys

A Year of the Monkeys cover

There is a theory that says if you give typewriters to one hundred monkeys, and let them type for one hundred years, they will eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. We decided to put that theory to the test – with a few minor modifications.

We didn’t have one hundred monkeys – but we did have the membership of a League of Utah Writers chapter that calls itself “The Infinite Monkeys.” Most of them didn’t have typewriters, but worked on laptop or desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets. And instead of one hundred years to perfect their prose, we gave them one year to get from blank page to published anthology. So while you won’t find any reproductions of Shakespeare in A Year of the Monkeys, what you will find are thirty-five short stories that will make you laugh, make you cry, make you think, and sometimes make you glad you don’t live in the unsettling worlds of the imagination.

Available in print and ebook from your favorite online retailers.


Mirages and Speculations

Mirages and Speculations coverAs the moon’s shadow withdrew from the face of the sun after today’s eclipse, allowing the sun to once again shine fully, the spectacle of a unicorn observing a crashed flying saucer appeared in the desert. Was it a mirage? We could speculate… or we could invite you to see for yourself.

Mirages and Speculations, an anthology of science fiction and fantasy stories with desert settings is available in print and ebook from your favorite online retailers. Visit


Author Services – Freelance Editing for Indie Books

Camden Park Press supports the work of indie authors — those intrepid writers who are venturing into the exciting, new world of independent publishing. We also know that an author is much more likely to be successful if their work has been reviewed by impartial eyes before it makes its public debut.

With that in mind, we’re launching Camden Park Press Author Services — a resource for indie writers in search of a freelance editor at reasonable rates.

Stop by. Talk to our editor. And if your manuscript is ready, schedule an edit. We’re here to help!

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